Tag / papertoy
Pelatihan Papercraft Berbahan Dasar Limbah
Sekelompok mahasiwa Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya yang beranggotakan empat orang, mengajukan proposal Dikti tentang program keatifitas mahasiwa masyarakat (PKM-M). Proposal berjudul "Pelatihan Pembuatan Papercraft Berbahan Dasar Limbah Kampus Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember yang Inovatif dan Bernilai Jual di Kampung Pemulung Keputih Tegal Kecamatan Sukolilo, Surabaya" itu akhirnya disetujui, dan berhasil mendapat kucuran dana. Munculnya… -
Featured at Go Fish Magazine
GOfish 4 has Love as the theme. We have all experienced love first hand, given and returned. Yet, it remains difficult or even awkward to express either in words, deeds or actions. As the ancients realised, the truth is; there is no common denominator, no minimum standard, no rule of thumb. What works for one… -
Punakawan – Board Game
A family board game that has successfully sold in limited edition, now available for any of you. With more compact size and wooden tokens, Punakawan board game is a valuable collection you can have. We are proudly present our new Punakawan Board Game. With exclusive design and wood components, now you can join the fascinating… -
Zealot Guard – First Series
We've called upon some of the super stars of the paper toy world to give you Zealot Guard Artist Series 01. Killer customs by artists Marko Zubak, Marshall Alexander, Saltnpaper, Sal Azad, Vinsart and Nick Knite. Our goal is for you to have fun building our toys. If you are new to paper toys, we… -
Ape Paper Expo 2011 – Italy
Immaginari Grafici intende proporre al pubblico uno sguardo sulle diverse interpretazioni possibili e sui molteplici percorsi conducibili all’interno della grafica, l’illustrazione e l’animazione. I dodici artisti invitati porteranno in mostra i loro “mondi” e presenteranno i loro approcci, esemplificando e testimoniando diversi linguaggi, percorsi, attitudini possibili. Al di là delle differenze, ciò che questi condividono… -
Pekan Produk Kreatif Indonesia – 2011
Panggung Kreatif, Lounge Area, dan Showcase Area yang tergabung menjadi satu dalam Zona Indonesia Kreatif adalah tiga dari banyak zona utama di dalam Pekan Produk Kreatif Indonesia (PPKI) 2011. Di dalam zona ini, berbagai kegiatan terkait industri kreatif Indonesia akan hadir untuk Anda yang haus akan ide, wawasan, inspirasi, motivasi, dan semangat untuk berkreasi secara… -
Papertoy Show 2 – Pink Hobo
Pink Hobo Geek Art Gallery announces their upcoming Paper Toy II show. Artists, designers, and print-makers from around the world will cut, bend and fold knickknacks of Urban Papercraft for the gallery. Paper sculptures, toys, and wall pieces will be on display and available for sale. FEATURED ARTISTS INCLUDE: Aesthetic Apparatus - Minneapolis // Abi… -
Gods, Godesses and Gamelan
In conjunction with the special exhibition, Bali: Art, Ritual, Performance, families throughout the Bay Area are invited to celebrate Mother’s Day with stories, art and cultural traditions that focus on the fabulous females from this vibrant Indonesian island. Meet Rama, Sita and the rice deity Dewi Sri while channeling your own inner god and goddess… -
Cepot For Cubeecraft Show
The first Cubeecraft-centric papercraft show. A ton of oversized Cubeecraft will be on display. THANK YOU! It’s been a crazy couple of years. What started as a way to share my hobby with friends has just grown unimaginably! Now’s the time to celebrate! Brave New Worlds in Olde City Philadelphia is hosting the first Cubeecaft-centric…
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