Pekan Produk Kreatif Indonesia – 2011
Panggung Kreatif, Lounge Area, dan Showcase Area yang tergabung menjadi satu dalam Zona Indonesia Kreatif adalah tiga dari banyak zona utama di dalam Pekan Produk Kreatif Indonesia (PPKI) 2011. Di dalam zona ini, berbagai kegiatan terkait industri kreatif Indonesia akan hadir untuk Anda yang haus akan ide, wawasan, inspirasi, motivasi, dan semangat untuk berkreasi secara… -
Papertoy Show 2 – Pink Hobo
Pink Hobo Geek Art Gallery announces their upcoming Paper Toy II show. Artists, designers, and print-makers from around the world will cut, bend and fold knickknacks of Urban Papercraft for the gallery. Paper sculptures, toys, and wall pieces will be on display and available for sale. FEATURED ARTISTS INCLUDE: Aesthetic Apparatus - Minneapolis // Abi… -
Gods, Godesses and Gamelan
In conjunction with the special exhibition, Bali: Art, Ritual, Performance, families throughout the Bay Area are invited to celebrate Mother’s Day with stories, art and cultural traditions that focus on the fabulous females from this vibrant Indonesian island. Meet Rama, Sita and the rice deity Dewi Sri while channeling your own inner god and goddess… -
Cepot For Cubeecraft Show
The first Cubeecraft-centric papercraft show. A ton of oversized Cubeecraft will be on display. THANK YOU! It’s been a crazy couple of years. What started as a way to share my hobby with friends has just grown unimaginably! Now’s the time to celebrate! Brave New Worlds in Olde City Philadelphia is hosting the first Cubeecaft-centric… -
Ayo Membuat Papertoy Cerita Rakyat – Book
Buku ini berisikan enam buah cerita rakyat dengan tokoh-tokoh yang dapat kalian rakit menjadi papertoy yang imut dan lucu. Jadi kita dapat merakitnya sambil mendengarkan Mama, Papa, Tante, atau Om mendongengkan cerita. Berisikan : • 6 Cerita Rakyat Indonesia Populer • 8 Template Papertoy • Instruksi Perakitan • Pengenalan Papertoy (Mulai dari sejarah, desain sampai… -
Happy Papertoy Monster Day!
Today is Papertoy Monster Day! Come together to play and dance along with these cute monsters. Made of paper, pre-cutted, easily assembled and very enjoyable. This book contains 50 types of monsters papertoy designed by 25 designers from around the world. each monster has a unique story and background, so this papertoys be a very… -
Submission for Ecko-Rhino Competition
My submission for Ecko Rhino Papertoy competition by Ecko.Unltd EU and Nick Knite. The main concept is a Super Machine Rhino, I want to make this rhino have a great power, and tough… also i create the environment (facility) to make the photos more live. -
Style Needs No Color at Blooom
Black on white “is based on the idea of providing as it does not color the essence in the center of attention: Style! On the individual book pages to add selected character, style and vector graphics from international graffiti and street-artists to a graphical implementation of the “style needs no color” philosophy. Nick Knite Site… -
PaperPeople #1 Event
PAPER PEOPLE is an event with several objectives: Raising funds for the purchase of materials to be given to the “Area Giovani” ward of the Cancer Research Hospital (CRO) in Aviano, Pordenone (Italy). Showing a new audience the existence and the posibilities of “Paper Toys”, allowing designers/ graphic artists/ illustrators/ cartoonists/ artists/ painters to be…
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