Sikojo Paper Toys at Empty V

Empty V : A play on MTV. The kind of television programming that you don’t plan on watching, but find yourself watching when you need to do something else. Television programming of no real substance and no educational value. Not because of a lack of something to do or motivation to do something else, you wind up watching.

MTV Indonesia Award 2009, Wed
November 25, 2009 | 8.00 PM.
Live on Global TV

Positive :
– Free Promo of my papertoys
– Helping to spread papertoys
– Using for artwork & artistic job.

Negative :
– I never have any contact from them.
– I have not release blank version of Sikojo yet , but they already used the template and make some custom.
– They not used our credit as papertoy creator, but who wanna see the credits section anyway? WE DO!

just get over it … :)

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