Funky Animal Paper Toys Pack – Limited Edition

funkyanimal-papertoyattackThe first project of Papertoy Attack, contains 15 templates that inspired papertoy of rare and endangered animals in Indonesia. Created by 3 papertoy designer from Indonesia with its own characteristics. In addition papertoy template, in this package there are also some merchandise, such as a tote bag, sticker pack (8 pieces), button pins (5 pieces) and a patches.

FunkyAnimal Papertoy Pack is only available in limited quantities (99 pieces), numbered and embossed stamp.

sold at a price of Rp. 150,000, (for Indonesia) or USD15 (international)
note: prices above do not include postage

FunkyAnimal package can be ordered by contacting:
• Idham Mahardhika / / Email: dhik_86 [at] yahoo. com
• antho / / Email: ruangantho [at] gmail. com
• Faisal Azad / / Email: smile [at] salazad. com (OUT OF STOCK)

1 Comment

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October 21, 2013 at 9:19 am

Good day. Maam/Sir. i tried to contact you in youd email [email protected] about the free paper toys template in this site. sad thing, your email is not working i thing :) thanks and more power :)

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